Editing previous response:
We often need help in transporting students on field trips or for sports events. LCA parents have been generous in their assistance. The purpose of this form is to reduce the liability of the school and volunteer drivers by being proactive in our selection of parent drivers. If you are interested in helping with such needs during the school year, please fill out this form and return it (along with copies of your driver’s license and your current vehicle insurance card) to the school.
A new Volunteer Driver Application Form must be completed each school year. Copies of your license and insurance card must be updated as changes or renewals occur throughout the school year. A Background Check form just also be completed.
Please complete the form below. Required fields marked with an asterisk *
Driver Information
The school requires volunteer drivers to have a minimum amount of liability insurance. (1) $100,000 liability for bodily injury per person; (2) $300,000 liability per incident for bodily injury for all vehicle occupants; and (3) $50,000-$100,000 liability for property damage. Amount on this (these) vehicle(s):
I have read, agree and understand all the above statements.
I affirm that I will carefully transport students under my care, including obeying all traffic laws. The information given on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.