Student Life » Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra-Curricular Activities

LCA has offered a number of activities in recent years and will continue to offer various activities designed to appeal to a broad variety of student interests. These are in addition to regular athletic events:
Girls Who Code
Special Events
Math by Mail
Spelling Bee
Essay Competitions
Fine Arts
Circle the State with Song
ISSMA Music Competitions
Drama Performances
Annual Fine Arts Trip
Camps and Retreats
MS/HS All-School Retreat
Girl’s/Boy’s Basketball Camps
Volleyball Girls Camp
Mini-Cheer Camp
Chapel Assembly
Discipleship Groups
Student Council
National Honor Society
Senior Service Trip
Field Day

Before/After School Care

LCA offers Extended Care on Campus for students enrolled in K-12. Adult supervision and a variety of activities allow students to make good use of this time until their parents arrive. There is a nominal fee of $4.00/hour for this service. Extended Care is offered from 7:00-8:00AM in the morning and 3:00-6:00PM in the afternoon.